

Solutions by Design


 603 886-5555 Tel

 Skype: FTIR.com



Training and Consulting

FTIR.com has a broad range of experts available for consulting and training.  These people are experts in the field in their various areas of expertise.  Some are scientist.  Some are engineers.  Some are software programers.  Some have experience in sales, sales management, and sales rep organizations.  Some have experience as presidents and managers.  All of these people are experts in the “Analytical Instrumentation Marketplace”.  These people are available for consulting  either for a project or a broader business development.

Dr. Allan Fuller of FTIR.com has been in commercial FTIR since 1977.  He understands the fundamentals of the technology and is able to present seminars on the technology and gas analysis in an understandable way for even non-sicientists. 

Dr. Brian Smith, http://www.spectros1.com/, has a full range of training programs and courses that have been available for a number of years.

Call us about your specific needs and we will give your our recommendations. 

603 886-5555 Phone



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